Sunday, June 12, 2011

Dog 'N' Jog

This last weekend, Lindsay organized a “Dog ‘N’ Jog” at the Fitness Center on base where she works, where pets and owners could get a little exercise together.  She and her coworkers set up a course that went, starting at the Fitness Center, to the back of base housing, by the school, past the post office, all the way around the playing fields, and back to the Fitness Center.  Cooper and I arrived early to utilize the agility course and we found out that Cooper is very happy to complete all the obstacles.  His favorite was the hurdles.  After a few more dogs showed up, we hit the starting line, and began the run.  Two and a half miles was no problem for Cooper.  He spent most of the time pulling me forward.  We ran next to a friend of his, Barkmann, who also pulled his owner, Natalie, through most of the course.  After the run, we all relaxed and got a few treats and did a little more agility exercises.  For the rest of the day, Cooper moved very little and stayed in his window bed for the majority of the day.  I think I’m going to take Cooper on a lot more runs around base.  He seems to really enjoy them.

Lindsay was the official event photographer and took plenty of shots.  Here are a few:
Dog 'N' Jog 1
Dog 'N' Jog 2
Dog 'N' Jog 10
Dog 'N' Jog 11
Dog 'N' Jog 12
Dog 'N' Jog 14
Dog 'N' Jog 17