Monday, July 16, 2012

Punting in Cambridge

After sleeping in to recover from our long day at Bruges, we took my parents to Cambridge for an afternoon.  We wandered through the open-air market, looked in some shops, checked out some of the historic college buildings, and admired the Corpus Clock.
Corpus Clock:

After all that walking, we relaxed on a punting boat.  It was a little chilly, but our boat driver/tour guide kept us dry and entertained us with stories and history of Cambridge University.
Punting Under the Mathematical Bridge:
Mathematical Bridge
Punting Under the Clare Bridge:
Clare Bridge (1)
Punting Past Kings College:
Kings College
Punting Under the Bridge of Sighs:
Bridge of Sighs
The Fam on the Boat:

We finished the day at our favorite Japanese restaurant; a great end to another great day in one of our favorite cities!


Wayne said...

Great pictures and stories...sounds like you're enjoying Europe!

Wayne said...

Great pictures and stories...sounds like you're enjoying Europe!