Sunday, April 22, 2012

Leeds Castle

We were lucky enough to have my friend Amy come visit for a whole week in April!  After a couple of days showing her around Cambridgeshire, the two of us took a trip to a proper English tourist destination: Leeds Castle.  This castle had a lot of great assets: lots of birds wandering the grounds, period-themed interior design, a hedge maze (which we got hopelessly lost in!), a falconry display (where two of the falcons didn't cooperate and flew away - sounds bad but was hugely entertaining!), and a massive moat.  Needless to say, it was a fun day.  ~Lindsay

Leeds Castle & Daffodils
Albino Peacock
Falconry Display
Fancy Bedroom
Fancy Dining Room
Leeds Castle Island
Leeds Castle & Moat

1 comment:

Watersfamily said...

What amazing photos - thay are just so beautiful!